Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I'm on a Roll Like Toilet Tissue. 33 Days til Tulsa

Last week was probably the best week of training that I have had thus far, I'm trying to dupliate that effort this week.  After the Tyler Rose, I was sore as hell but still managed to grind out a recovery run that Monday.  The next day I met up with my 4:10 Marathon crew at my old high school for speedwork on the track.  We did 4x1200m repeats, in the rain and wind and the last set in complete darkness after the lights cut off on us.  It was pretty epic.  I'm getting to the point where I don't even look at or even use my Garmin unless I have to, which is usually when I'm pacing.  I still don't know what my splits were for that rainy tuesday night, didn't even bother to go back and look.  Because I'm learning what my body can do.  Speaking of that, wow what a big difference temperature makes.  Ever since we received our first "real" cool front at the beginning of last week where the temps actually dropped into the 40's, running has gotten so much easier.  It's not like I don't know that already, but it seems like you are reminded every year when you get that first cool weather run.  The runs which I do solo, I run at what I feel my marathon pace is because your body only knows effort level and knows nothing about pace.  Stole that from our training director after I heard hime say it the other day.  But it's true.  A 11:00 min/mile pace in the middle of July can feel the same as an 8:00 min/mile pace in 45 degrees.  It took me a while to get that beat into my head.  After the week was done, I had completed my first 50+ mile week in I don't know how long which was punctuated with a back to back 20 mile endurance run and 12 mile trail run.  And still feeling pretty damn good.  Main concern now is to keep up the intensity, not to get injured.  Listen to my body.  Keep following the training plan.  I've gotten a little more strict with my diet also.  Now is the time to get to the nitty gritty.  Another couple weeks of nose to the grind training and then some fine tuning and hopefully I will be ready.  This is what it's all about, the journey there.


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