BMFers and friends before the start of the Dallas Marathon 2012
Some of my 5K peeps after the CIGNA GO YOU 5K Benefitting Achilles International
I was assigned to take a group of folks at work from couch to 5k. My very first ever training group :)
On my first ever trail run
DRC 3:50 Marathon training group. Fall 2012.
Trying to live up to my moniker
Before the start of El Scorcho, flanked by Blanca and Kelley
at El Scorcho. Me and Bal, AKA "Mofo"
North Dallas DRC Runners
Bib wall at work
Me being silly at The Wounded Warrior Half. Wasn't registered for but ran along anyway since I had the mileage on my training schedule.
Big D Texas Marathon finisher medal and finisher's cap
Finisher's pose. Marathon #1
Somewhere around mile 16-17 when it started raining
Big D Texas Marathon rounding the corner, approaching the finish line
Big D Texas Marathon running with the 4:00 pace group. I was able to hang with them for 21 1/2 miles. It was a very fun group
Enough Halves, time to add a FULL
RnR 2012 Finish line in sight. Probably my favorite running pic of me now
Just as I caught my traditional cramp at mile 12.8
Me and Amy from the DRC 3:59 Full Marathon Group
I hate my pose on this pic. But I love my Running twin Jen to my left who I met in person for the first time. Posing with her friend dailymiler Victoria, Jen will have completed her first 26.2 two weeks after I complete mine.
RnR dailymiler meetup. From left: Me, Terri F, Bal AKA "Mofo", Victoria and Wayne N
Enjoying a post-race beer with the rest of the DRC Marathon Group. There is just something about having an ice cold beer after running, even if it's at 9:30am.
This pic was snapped somewhere, sometime during the DRC "Frigid" 10K.
Me backed up by DRC members Belinda, Keishabadger and Tara at the DRC Frigid 10K
Friends I initially met on dailymile, then became Facebook friends, now pretty good darn runner companions
Third time's a charm
2011 White Rock Half. Number 3 in the books
After completing a race in cold and rainy weather conditions, I feel I can tackle anything now
Around Mile 7. The Rain was really coming down.
Final Stats from White Rock Half
Halfway mark of my 2nd Turkey Trot, sweat in eye and all LOL
Turkey Trot finish
Me and Vonnie from the DRC before the start of the Turkey Trot

The start line of The Dallas Turkey Trot. I was fortunate enough to get there early so to get a good start. Otherwise this is a terrible race for a serious runner if you start further back.
DRC Half finisher pose with a cheesy smile
The DRC Half, strong finish and another PR. I love pics where I'm airborne :)
2nd half marathon, The DRC Half. Me throwing up the deuces around mile 10 or 11 LOL
The 1:55 pace Group Left to right, Elizabeth, Vijay, The Night Train and Tara. Actually Vijay is from a faster group. But he frequently socializes with ours. This is after the DRC Half, we were enjoying the free beer provided
Me and my running "sibling", Keishabadger after The Loop 15K
Finish of my first race with the DRC: "The Loop 15K". (Look behind the guy in the front of the pic)
DRC 1:55 half marathon pace group in the middle of my very first run with them.
Cramp I got during a routine training run during the hot Texas summer. Didn't get my electrolytes in and every muscle in both legs decided to spaz out all at the same time.
"The Night Train". I came up with this moniker while listening to a song by James Brown with the same name. Plus this was in the middle of Summer and I was doing most of my training runs at night or early morning. Here I had just finished a 15 mile training run that I started around 5am
Start of 2011 Rock N Roll Dallas Half. This is my personal favorite race pic of me.
Last half mile of 2011 Rock N Roll Dallas Half. Big difference from the first pic LOL. I was gassed.
2011 Rock N Roll Dallas Half (me with arms stretched). Finish of my first ever half marathon.
Pic from around April 2009 vs March of 2011. Lost about 25 pounds up to that point.
Tendonitis in foot January 2011. Resulted from not knowing when to to say when. I was really loving to run and kept going a little to long on a run.
2010 Dallas Mayor's Race 5K. The only 5K race I've ever run so far.
First ever race. 2010 YMCA Dallas Turkey Trot. I was hooked after that
Where it all started. 03/01/2010. This was just a walk. I had no idea I would evolve into a runner.
Great pics train. Lot's of nice finishing pictures. You have lost alot of weight my friend.